Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Every year I will set resolutions to meet my personal goals in life. Have never fulfilled any of them throughout my years in life. WTF. I should die seriously.

So once again, Imma going to set 10 resolutions for me to fulfil (Hopefully).

1. Slim (fucking) down!!!!
Every year I set this as a resolution but none of the years I've succeed. Ccb!

But this time round, I shall not fail because baby FORCED me to weigh myself 1 week back and I wanted to slam myself with the weighing machine after looking at the needle pointing even further away from my dream weight. WTF! Not only that (hehehe), I am getting married!!!! :D

Anyway I don't understand why lor! I used to be UNDERWEIGHT till I'm Sec 3. After that jitao "WTF!! WHY LIKE THAT!".

And btw, the Reduze pills is officially useless. I became HEAVIER despite having less carbo when I'm with the pills. So yah! It DID NOT made me lose weight and instead I increased in 3-4 more kgs! Zzzzzzzzz

(It is not only me who felt so, one of my twitter mates took the pills few years back and she increased weight as well! WITHIN A MONTH! Same thing happen to me now! HATE U REDUZE!

2. Driving License.
Ok this is very not appropriate for me to write here coz I have not even book my Basic Theory. But this is just a random one lah.. not really important for me to drive right now since baby is always sending & fetching me to & from work. Hahaha.

Omg I feel so taitai-ish typing those. Lol.

3. Look at (BUY) more colourful clothes!
I have this supa bad habit that whenever I shop, be it online/retail stores.. I will only click/place my hands on the black clothes. Especially the number of LBD in my wardrobe, uncountable I tell you! Long, short, bare back, flare or body-hugging.. you name it I got it! Some more a lot of them are similar!

I bought another 4 black dresses and 1 green top yesterday when I was at Vivo shopping for dresses for Chantal's wedding dinner. LOL

4. Braces!!!!!!
I have been wanting to fix my teeth for the longest time! I supa regret it when I rejected my Dad's offer when I'm was still in Primary school. Cb!

AND NOW CANNOT DO! Coz going to ROM, Customary & take wedding photos! :(

I know got this invaslign thingy in town now! But like damn expensive. I think can down payment for 1 car lor!

5. Teeth whitening!
Been smoking regularly since Secondary 4. So yah! LOL.

Come to think of it, my first puff was when I'm Primary 2. I stole my mom's ciggs and puffed! LOL. Wtf?????

6. Quit Smoking!!!!!
Come to think of it, I feel so retard smoking throughout my 6 years in life. Near $12 per pack! I think I invested at least $18k in ciggarettes. I can get an Authentic Hermes or maybe the cheapest (Authentic also!) Audemars Piguet watch for baby with that easily!

And also! I wanna have a baby dragon in 2012. So yah! I want healthy babies! Heee.

Babygirl/boy in 2012, Mummy loves you that's why Imma going to quit smoking! Daddy shall quit smoking with me too! Hehe

7. Save money $$$

With all the things I have in mind to do it this year, I doubt I am able to save any single cent. But ok lah... just put only lor! If remember den save. Hahaha.

8. Career woman
I wanna be a successful career woman because that will make me a rich woman and if I am rich, I can do all this immediately (except point 3 & point 6) coz those needs time. LOL

9. Spend more time with my friends.
I have been neglecting my friends ever since I'm attached. Sorry girls! Hope you guys understand, it's supa tiring for me to juggle work (9am - 6pm and sometimes need to stay back) with Baby & his family. At times still need to listen to unneccessary topics from my family.

But if I say I cannot make it to the appointment, it means I really do have something on that is important that I am unable to make it. :)

Aiya if you all really love me as a friend, you all will know de. Hehe.

10. Travel as much as I can!
Baby and I are 1 month away from Japan! Hehehe. So excited and happy! It is my virgin trip there!!!!

And anyway, why I say travel as much as I can??? Coz like that I mention, I want a baby dragon in 2012. So baby and I won't have time to travel around like last year already, even if we do.. we won't bare to as well. Omg! I am feeling the mothers' love in me already! Omg!

So yep! That's about that! Don't want to list out too much. If cannot fulfil very xia sway one. Hahahaha. Happy New Year to all!

Be back to update the rest of the Hong Kong trip as well as my personal life soon! :D


  1. HI ~ saw your blog ~ hhaas.goodluck to your new year resolution ~~~~

  2. Dear dear,

    Gambatte on quitting smoking!

    I've managed to quit smoking too. Can really save alot. Hehe. :)
