Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hen Shen Qi = Very Angry

Yes yes, I know I have been a bad girl by not updating my Japan trip photos when I've promise during the last post.

But it's not my fault you know?! Last week I wanted to continue my draft post on Tokyo Day 2 BUT I was unable to add image at all! The pop up window that is supposed to be pop up did not appear at all. Zzz

So I thought maybe baby's mac mini gone haywire.

Since now baby is preparing the materials for his meeting tomorrow, I decide to blog the post that I wanted to complete last week.

However, the "add image icon" failed me AGAIN! I switched to windows and tried, but nothing showed up. I used baby's company laptop and try again... but still nothing pop up!!!

Super angry! Windows even more jialat. Can't even Ctrl + C/X/V/B/U/L.

Someone please tell me that you are encountering this issue with blogger too!!!! :(

I very angry now! I'm gonna do some online shopping to vent my anger! Hmph!

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